
Shared services proposal


We provided specialist input in support of a proposal for English district council shared service arrangments.


A short-term assignment, focused on providing technical commercial and budgeting advice to identify some of the issues and options the end-clients would need to attend to.

Local authority trading company


We worked with a London borough to spin-out their education services to a new entity.


Started in October 2015 with a brief to select one of three options and implement spin-out, defining scope, establishing viability and preparing staff group for transfer.


We identified and costed the statutory minimum level of services and delivered project management from options development to go-live in twelve months, including developing an innovative joint venture model, stakeholder engagement, business plan development, executive sign-off, identification of £1.8m p.a. savings (25% reduction), commercial awareness raising for staff, all legal aspects (service contract, company articles of association, shareholders' agreement).

Interim leadership


Our consultant was employed as Acting Managing Director by a joint venture company delivering education services for a local authority, schools and academies in its start-up phase.


Interim executive management team established and permanent senior executive roles recruited, along with Board Chair and other non-executive directors.


Organisation restructure consultation initiated with staff.


Minority shareholders brought on board.



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